Welcome To PHP Quiz

Test your knowledge in PHP fundamentals

1. PHP stand for ?

a. Hypertext Market
b.PreHyper Processor
c.High Processor
d.Personal Home Page

2.Which of the following type of variables are named and indexed collections of other values?

A - Strings
B - Arrays
C - Objects
D - Resources

3. Which of the following function is used to get length of a string?

A - size()
B - strlen()
C - length
D - None of the above.

4. Which of the following function creates an array?

A - array()
B - array_change_key_case()
C - array_chunk()
D - array_count_values()

5. - How will you concatenate two strings?

A - Using . operator.
B - Using + operator.
C - Using add() function
D - Using append() function

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